Our Motivation
STIHL is a family-owned business with roots in forestry that stretch back nearly 100 years. Everything we do has always been focused on people, nature, and their power to grow. That is what drives us – and what we want to keep driving forward.
Sustainability Report 2022
Online PDF (9.7 MB)
About us
The STIHL Group develops, manufactures, and distributes outdoor power equipment for forestry, agriculture, landscaping, construction, and discerning consumers. The product range is complemented by digital solutions and services. The products are sold to end users through authorized servicing dealers and through STIHL’s own online shops, which are slated for international expansion in the years ahead. The STIHL Group’s sales network consists of 42 sales and marketing companies, approximately 120 importers, and more than 55,000 independent, authorized dealers. The Group has manufacturing operations around the world in seven countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Brazil, the U.S., China, and the Philippines. STIHL has been the world’s topselling chainsaw brand since 1971. The STIHL Group was founded in 1926 and is based in Waiblingen near Stuttgart, Germany.
billion euros in revenue
worldwide in fiscal year 2022
employees Group-wide as of late 2022
In over
people can buy STIHL
About this report
This publication is the second STIHL Sustainability Report. The report was prepared in accordance with the Sustainability Reporting Standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) for the period from January 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022.
Open in PDFIt outlines our sustainability strategy and our sustainability targets, as well as our sustainability activities in 2022. The consolidated group covered in the Sustainability Report differs from the one covered in the STIHL Annual Report. Unless stated otherwise, all data relates to the operating German STIHL locations (the founding company of the STIHL Group, ANDREAS STIHL AG & Co. KG, with eight locations in Waiblingen, Fellbach, Ludwigsburg, Weinsheim, and Wiechs am Randen, as well as the distribution center in Dieburg), along with all international STIHL production companies (U.S., Brazil, Austria, Switzerland, and China) and the ZAMA Group, with subsidiaries in China, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, and the U.S. The STIHL Group’s international sales companies and the U.S. company CS COSMOS STIHL Manufacturing Inc., which was founded in late 2022, are not yet covered in this report, but will be included in the medium term. The Sustainability Report was published in digital form in May 2023 and is available in German and English. It was not subjected to external assurance. All forward-looking statements in this report were based on assumptions valid as of the editorial deadline. The actual results and developments may vary. The next STIHL Sustainability Report is scheduled for publication in early 2024.

The STIHL Sustainability Report deals with the following fields of action: