Dear Readers,

Especially uncertain times require a clear compass. Where is STIHL headed in today’s turbulent climate? How can we make sure we remain ready for the future? The sustainability strategy contributes to the compass for our actions. As a family-owned company, we see ourselves as drivers of sustainable business in every area. For three generations now, we have been defining the strategic principles of successful long-term business development.
We also see ourselves as role models. Acting sustainably requires enthusiasm, spirit, and an understanding of why we at STIHL think in generations. That is something we want to embody and make real. After all, the shared commitment of all employees is the one and only key to unlocking STIHL’s future as an economically, socially, and ecologically responsible business.
Dr. Nikolas Stihl
Chairman of the Advisory Board
Selina Stihl
Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board
Karen Tebar
Deputy Chair of the Advisory Board
STIHL AG Executive Board
Dear Readers,
Behind us lies a year of multiple, concurrent crises, the likes of which we had never seen before. The coronavirus pandemic, material shortages, and a lack of skilled labor had already put STIHL to the test. And then came the Russian invasion of Ukraine, with all its terrible consequences for the people there – and with political and economic upheaval that has affected companies and citizens in Germany through inflation and concerns about energy shortages. Meanwhile, the UN Climate Change Conference in Egypt made it clear that we are still far from finding a solution to the climate crisis. The credit for STIHL’s 8.6 percent increase in revenue to 5.5 billion euros in the face of these adversities goes primarily to the outstanding commitment and dedication of our people, who have earned our sincere thanks.
Despite all of the acute crisis situations, we have not forgotten the mission pursued by company founder Andreas Stihl: “Acting for tomorrow.” STIHL is rising to the challenges of today, without losing sight of its vision for the times ahead of us. Both the STIHL Group and the Stihl family want to leave the generations to come a livable future. That is why we think and act with the long term and sustainability in mind, in the interest of employees, customers, authorized dealers, and suppliers – and in the interest of the environment and society, to which we are actively committed.
Part of looking toward tomorrow is embracing change. In 2022, we ushered in a new generation on the Executive Board by welcoming a new Chairman and a new Chief Financial Officer. This spirit continued in 2023 with the new Executive Board member for Marketing and Sales. We also mourned the death of Eva Mayr-Stihl, a dedicated entrepreneur who spent many decades guiding our business with her wisdom.
In 2021, we developed a sustainability strategy and set ourselves ambitious targets for the time between now and 2030 to guide us in our mission of acting for tomorrow. We have started rolling out this strategy throughout the STIHL Group. Our first achievements include the full offsetting of carbon emissions at our production companies and the code of conduct for our suppliers, which further strengthens the commitment to responsibility in our supply chain. Our decision to join the United Nations Global Compact also underscores how seriously we take our sustainability activities. In other areas, our progress is not yet satisfactory, and we still have room to evolve and grow. This, our second STIHL Sustainability Report, documents that path. We thank you for your interest in our development, and we wish you an informative read.
Michael Traub
Chairman of the Executive Board
Karl Angler
Finance and Information Technology
Ingrid Jägering
Finance and Controlling
Anke Kleinschmit
Research and Development
Norbert Pick
Marketing and Sales
Dr. Michael Prochaska
Human Resources and Legal Affairs
Martin Schwarz
Manufacturing and Materials

»Shaping a sustainable future is an obligation for us all. I firmly believe that we have the tools to drive forward the transformation of both ourselves and our customers toward even more sustainability by thinking and acting together.«
Michael TraubChairman of the Executive Board (since Feb. 1, 2022)

»Sustainability is the environment, business – and people. Our employees are a key success factor. That’s why we help them to help STIHL develop for the long term, so that they grow with us, and we with them.«
Dr. Michael ProchaskaHuman Resources and Legal Affairs

»We’re growing without forgetting our roots. Seizing the opportunities of transformation and investing globally, with an eye to the future, are what set STIHL apart as a sustainable business.«
Karl AnglerFinance and Information Technology (until Jul. 31, 2022)

»Quality, innovation, and reliability are what our customers expect from STIHL. We have had lasting success in the market because we meet these very expectations with our products and services.«
Norbert PickMarketing and Sales (until Dec. 31, 2022)

»Good corporate governance is the basis for our sustainable development. We know where we stand and where we want to go. We’re creating the right structures and processes to get there, and we’re taking everyone who works here along for the ride.«
Ingrid JägeringFinance and Controlling (since Aug. 1, 2022)

»We develop products that combine performance and responsibility, for technology with reasonable environmental footprint. Our customers get sustainable innovations – and STIHL ensures its leading competitive position.«
Anke KleinschmitResearch and Development

»The most resource-efficient and climate-friendly production methods possible, embedded in a socially responsible value and supply chain – we are constantly growing better with that goal in mind.«
Martin SchwarzManufacturing and Materials